W2O offers several courses both as certification and re-certification, the cost of which includes the program fee as well as any required materials.

Most of these courses will be held at the Port Watson Mini-Conference Center in Cortland, NY although courses can also be requested for alternate locations. If you would like to request a course please email us and we will do our best to work with you to provide the best curriculum we can to suit your needs.

The classes that we currently have planned are listed below. Application forms can be downloaded using the links here or on our ‘Documents’ page. Please email or fax the completed form to W2O to get registered for the class, confirmation of registration is available on request. Payment is due with registration.

Fax: 607-753-1479

Email: [email protected]

We will not cancel any class due to the weather

Refund Policy: If an attendee must cancel a class, they will receive a credit on their account in the amount of the class fee, unless the cancellation is made more than two weeks before the class starts. Any cancellations made more than two weeks before the class will have the option to receive either a credit or a refund. No-call no-shows forfeit any payment.

Continuing Education Classes

January 31

February 28

March 28

April 25

Grade I Advanced Operations

April 28 – May 2

Grade I Supervisory Management

May 5 – 8

Grade II-A Certification

March 3 – 13

Grade A Lab Certification

April 4

Grade B Certification

April 7 – 11

June 2 – 6

September 8 – 12

Grade C Certification

April 7 – 11

June 2 – 6

September 8 – 12

Grade D Certification

May 12 – 16

October 20 – 24

Confined Space/ Competent Person Certification (CEU Class)

May 30

October 17

U-Dig Certified Excavator Initial Training/ Annual Renewal (CEU Class)

Thursday, February 13

Thursday, April 3

Seneca Falls Workshop (CEU Class)

Tuesday, February 11

Wednesday, February 12

Oswego Workshop


Oswego Grade B/C Certification


Plattsburgh Workshop